fill table end question

Consider the following C code
1 # i n c l u d e <s t d i o . h>
3 voi d my c a l l e e ( i n t s , i n t e , c h a r  buf )
4 {
5 f o r ( ; s<e ; s ++) buf [ s ]= s ;
6 r e t u r n ;
7 }
9 voi d my c a l l e r ( void )
10 {
11 i n t i ;
12 c h a r buf [ 1 6 ] ;
14 my c a l l e e ( 9 , 1 6 , buf ) ;
15 f o r ( i =0; i <16; i ++) p r i n t f (”%d : %dn ” , i , buf [ i ] ) ;
16 r e t u r n ;
17 }
19 i n t main ( void )
20 {
21 my c a l l e r ( ) ;
22 r e t u r n 0 ;
23 }
and the following dissasembly:
1 Dump of assembler code for function mycaller :
2 0 x080483c4 <my c a l l e r +0>: push %ebp
3 0 x080483c5 <my c a l l e r +1>: mov %esp ,%ebp
4 0 x080483c7 <my c a l l e r +3>: sub $0x38 ,%e sp
5 0 x080483ca <my c a l l e r +6>: l e a -0x14(%ebp ) ,%eax
6 0 x080483cd <my c a l l e r +9>: mov %eax , 0 x8(%e sp )
7 0 x080483d1 <my c a l l e r +13>: movl $0x10 , 0 x4(%e sp )
8 0 x080483d9 <my c a l l e r +21>: movl $0x9 ,(% e sp )
9 0 x080483e0 <my c a l l e r +28>: c a l l 0 x80483a4 <myc a l l e e>
10 0 x080483e5 <my c a l l e r +33>: movl $0x0 ,-0x4(%ebp )
11 . . .

Given the above update the memory diagram on the next page assuming the following starting values and execution
up to 0x080483e5:
pc = 0x080483c5
esp = 0xbfffea58

Memory values not updated maybe left blank. Remember that an int value is 4 bytes located with the least significant
byte at the address and the remaining 3 bytes in the successive byte addresses. Eg. If we know that six bytes starting
at 0xbfffec10 is 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 then we would have to write down :

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0xbfffec10: 04030201
0xbfffec14: ????0605

Individual bytes of an int that whose value are unknown should be specifed as ??.

Address     int hex value   Description
0xbfffea5c  0x08048432    return address for call to mycaller
0xbfffea58  0xbfffea68       old frame pointer
In the descriptions be sure to indicate if an address corresponds to a specific variable and its value or if an address is a return address and its value.

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