egyptian letter

You are either an Egyptian priest or priestess of Bastet, a member of the Egyptian Royal Family, a scribe in charge of grain supplies, or a farmer in Ancient Egypt. You are writing a letter to the Vizier, the highest ranking officer in the Egyptian government, explaining how the cat, the last domesticated animal in Western culture, is a central feature of your life. Include what the cat means to you as a person, how it is critical to your economic existence, and its role as a religious symbol. Discuss what the cat’s overall role is in Egyptian culture. Remember to address the Vizier as “My Lord Vizier” and to explain who you are (obviously a prince or princess of Egypt is above the Vizier socially, a farmer or scribe is beneath his dignity, a priest is a social equal—so adjust your tone as necessary), and end the letter with your title and EGYPTIAN name (look one up—Fred, Ahmed, Nguyen, or Julie are NOT Egyptian names).

1100-1500 words.

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