signature assignment phoenix medical assignment 2

Include the following:

  • Complete the Book Adjustments (Adj1 Sale of fixed assets, Adj2 2015 Depreciation, and Reclass of accounts payable) using the included resources.
  • Adjust the Journal Entries using the included resources for 2015 depreciation.
  • Apply information from the included resources to complete the Tax Adjustments:
  1. Accrual to Cash Adjustment – Accounts Receivable;
  2. Charitable contributions carryover;
  3. 50% Meals and Entertainment;
  4. Non-deductible penalties;
  5. Tax Exempt interest;
  6. Accrual to Cash Adjustment – Accounts Payable.
  • Classify the Taxable Income entries on the Adjusted Trial Balance to complete using the included resources.
  • Apply Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Your manager has also listed questions that require a response. Read the Phoenix Medical Worksheet Student Part 1 (Microsoft® Word) and answer the questions using short answers.
  • Complete the Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet showing your adjustments and final tax trial balance. Answer all questions as short answers.
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