Symptomology Etiology Epidemiology Discussion




HCA 1301 Discussion Board Question Unit V

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My classmate wrote this and I need to comment on it:

I have run across a few of my older family members like my aunts and uncles that smoke. They know that smoking is bad for them, but theysay they do it to relieve stress. They are not the only ones that say smoking relives stress. I have never smoke and it`s not something I plan on doing because I know it`s bad for you. The challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking is depression, irritability, and sometimes even anger.

HCA 1301 My professor wrote this and I have to comment on it Unit V

Within our present-day society there is currently an active promotion of smoking cessation which many hospital or healthcare institutions becoming smoke free and even business establishments adopting the same practice. While you mention the topic of addiction when it comes to smoking,do you believe that there is a therapeutic intervention that can lead to a smoking free lifestyle?

HCA 1301 Unit VI Discussion Board Question

Is circumcision medically necessary? What are the factors that contribute to a parent’s decision whether or not to circumcise?

PSY 2301 Discussion Board Question V

My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it:

The question about “Did caffeine dependence/addiction surprise you?” is the question I chose to comment on. I never thought of caffeine as something that could be categorized as “substance abuse”. But, after reading about the mind altering affects it has on people and the addiction that it causes, I guess it would definitely fall into that category. I have known people who have tried to stop drinking caffeinated drinks cold turkey and have suffered from serious side affects in doing so. I now realize it is the same symptoms as withdrawal symptoms from drugs or alcohol that they were suffering from. It’s crazy to think how many people are dependent upon their intake of caffeine.

PSY 2301 Discussion Board Question Unit VI

What is something you learned in this unit about one of the disorders covered?

PSY 2301 Assesment Questions Unit VI


  • Voyeuristic disorder is an example of a:
paraphilic disorder.
binge eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa.
pedophilic disorder.
premature ejaculation.


  • This category includes such diagnoses as fetishistic disorder and sexual masochism disorder:
paraphilic disorder.
binge eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa.
pedophilic disorder.
premature ejaculation.




  • Someone whose desire to inflict pain during sex causes marked distress can be diagnosed with a:
paraphilic disorder.
binge eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa.
pedophilic disorder.
premature ejaculation.



  • This is classified as an orgasmic disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:
paraphilic disorder.
binge eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa.
pedophilic disorder.
premature ejaculation.



  • This involves a quickening of the latter part of the sexual response cycle:
paraphilic disorder.
binge eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa.
pedophilic disorder.
premature ejaculation.



Describe one of the three categories covered in this unit, as well as each associated diagnosis. Be sure to discuss symptomology, etiology, epidemiology, and treatment protocols. Explain treatment barriers involved with treatment in this category. Include a brief explanation of your own reaction to the content of these categories. Ensure your response is original. Do not just recite material from the textbook.

Your response must be 300 words in length.

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