studies in arts and humanities


Reader Reader Response Papers (RRPs)

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Each 1 page in length; single-spaced.

Choose one topic from the list of 11 below for each RRP assignment.

Graded as a set, based on timeliness of submission, how fully you follow the plan

outlined on the assignment sheet, and willingness to participate in class discussion.

1. First Reaction: Explore your initial reaction to the reading

2. Feelings: What feelings did the reading awaken in you? Did you respond more

in your head (intellectually) or emotionally?

3. Visual images: What images were called to mind by the text?

4. Associations: What memories does the text call to mind- of people, places,

events, sights, or attitudes?

5. Thoughts/Ideas: Follow and flesh out a thought you have while reading a

particular passage. Did you have a moment of epiphany or new insight?

6. Textual Element: What particular word, phrase, image, or passage really

struck you? Explore.

7. Judgments of Importance: What is the most importance word, phrase, or

passage in the text?

8. Identification of Problems: What is the most difficult word, phrase, or

passage in the text? Explain the challenges you see in this word, etc.

9. Evolution of Your Reaction: How did your understanding of the text or

feelings about it change? To what extent was this change influenced by class

discussion or other peoples’ reactions?

10. Literary/Artistic Connections: Does this text remind you of another book,

poem, play, film, painting, or other artwork? What connection(s) can you make

between the works?

11. Objections: Do you disagree with some of the author’s choices? Did he or she

take a passage in an unpleasantly surprising direction? Do you object to a

particular character’s actions or beliefs?


A range: These RRPs are innovative, interesting, logical, focused, fluid, insightful, and

strong in terms of grammar and writing mechanics.

B range: These are thoughtful and responsive to the text, make solid but not necessarily

original points, and show evidence of average effort with writing mechanics.

C and under range: These are too short, show little depth of familiarity with the

assigned reading, are carelessly written, and/or lack strong writing mechanics.

F: well, you either did not do the assignment, or did so little, or worked so carelessly, that

no credit is earned.

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