delta meat market product strategy and promotion strategy 1

Delta Meat Market located in Cleveland, MS

For this second part, you should develop a proposal for the product strategy and the promotion strategy for the client. Remember to not only include what it is, but also your recommendations. Some of the topics you should analyze/describe are to include, but are not limited to:

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  1. Product strategy
    1. The product itself (what is the product?)
      1. Adjustments needed
      2. Brand strategy
      3. Issues affecting the service component of the product
    2. Cost of Production (does not need to be an exhaustive list).
    3. Types of costs (For the costs you list, you should discuss what types of costs you believe they are)
    4. Substitutes or complements for the product
  2. Promotion Strategy
    1. Recommended promotional strategy
      1. Promotional message
      2. Types of activities
      3. Potential cost
      1. Economics: Chapters 4, The Market Forces of Supply and Demand and 12, The Costs of Production
    2. Marketing: Chapters 10, Product Concepts; 11, Developing and Managing Products; 16, Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage; 17, Advertising and Public Relations; and 18, Sales Promotion and Personal Selling
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