researching entry modes where to produce

Researching Entry Modes

You will not be required to post to classmates in this Journal Posting, but your posting should be original. You will only be graded on your initial posting of 250 words.

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As businesses seek to expand across borders, there are several options of entry mode available. Using your readings and Chapter 15 of the text regarding “Where to Produce”, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the following entry modes:

(1) Establishment of a Greenfield venture and producing in a foreign market,

(2) Exporting a product to a foreign market,

(3) Franchising to another firm in a foreign market, and

(4) Re-licensing to another firm within a foreign market.

Post your response addressing these points in a minimum of 250 words. Use APA format and citation style regarding any short, direct citations and provide an APA formatted reference at the end of the entry.

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