complete 3 business disc posts

1: CS

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Scenario: You are a salesperson, customer service agent, or small business owner. You have received an email from a customer who is very unhappy with a recent interaction with someone from your organization and is threatening to take their business to your competitor.

Draft an email response that will validate their concern, maintain company integrity, and retain their business.

Use the tips below to craft an effective response:

  1. Before you respond, put yourself in the customer’s place to fully understand their complaint or concern
  2. Use a clear, descriptive Subject line
  3. Use a Salutation suitable for business communication
  4. Say “Thank you” for their feedback at the start of the email
  5. Apologize (even if you don’t agree or if it was the customer’s fault)
  6. Explain what happened truthfully and politely
  7. Tell the customer what you will do to help
  8. Keep your message succinct, brief, and on topic
  9. Use a Closing suitable for business communication

Finally, keep in mind that this task involves important leadership values that constitute Executive Presence: respect for others, the ability to diffuse anger and focus on positive outcomes, showing empathy for another, and the willingness to be candid about an error or poor performance. These values lead to the ability to build trust — the foundation of leadership.

In your responses to peers, discuss what works well in their email message and why, applying course materials and/or other resources to further the discussion. Suggest changes that will make their response more effective as a business communication.

2: NF

After watching the video, make your case for diversity, and respond to the questions below.

Click here to watch the video

  • What benefits can a diverse workforce provide to an organization?
  • What are the possible negative consequences for an organization that does not embrace diversity?
  • What strategies can managers implement to enhance cultural awareness and overcome preconceived biases or stereotypes?

If you have examples from your own experience, or from recent examples in the news, please make sure to include those in your response.

3: N

“Strategic Approach” Please respond to the following:

  • Assess Southwest Airlines’ strategic approach to human resource (HR) management. Determine how its strategy increases organizational effectiveness.
  • Propose three ways that HR can use competitive advantage in the marketplace to recruit new applicants in general.


“Diversity” Please respond to the following:

  • Go to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Website and review cases regarding diversity. Note: Enter the Website and in the search box under “Press Releases” type “diversity”. Review three of the results of your search. Next, propose three ways that an organization can increase diversity within itself. Take a position on whether diversity is or is not important and determine how the methods you provided support your position.
  • Evaluate ways that an organization can measure and reward compliance. Determine if organizations that measure and reward compliance are more or less likely to experience lawsuits
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