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Question 1) 1. Your best friend

2. People reading a newspaper editorial you have written

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3. Your professor

4. The audience at a conference where you are presenting

Question 2) Consider how your audience might influence the information you include in a historical analysis essay about the women’s suffrage movement. What audience would be most interested in reading about the women’s movement? How would you tailor your presentation to that audience? What message would be most appropriate for this audience?

Question 3) Let’s say the intended audience for your historical analysis essay about the legal battle for women’s suffrage is a group of civil rights lawyers. How would you explain the legal background of the Constitution and the Nineteenth Amendment? How would this approach compare with and contrast to an audience of high school students?

Question 4) Was President Kennedy’s decision to support the Equal Rights Amendment a necessary cause for the amendment’s passage by Congress?

Question 5) Was the social tumult of the 1960s a necessary cause of the women’s liberation movement?

Question 6) Simone de Beauvoir was the intellectual founder of the women’s liberation movement. Tailor this thesis statement into a message suitable for an audience of high-school history students.

Question 7) The women’s movement’s focus on issues related to sexual freedom, including reproductive rights, galvanized support among younger women but alienated many older, more conservative women. Tailor this message for an audience consisting of students in a women’s studies class.

My historical event is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. My research question is: How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 affect African-Americans voting rights as guaranteed under the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Answer the questions below based on my historical event and research question up above.

Identify an audience that would be interested in your historical event and research question. For example, who would benefit most from hearing your message?

Describe how and why you can tailor your message to your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your audience understand historical terminology and principles associated with your event, or will you need to explain these? How will you communicate effectively with your audience?

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