write an analysis on one chapter from the book hiroshima by john hersey

Write a detailed, focused , engaged critical/analytical essay. Be very specific. Support your assertions textually. Narrow your focus to small sections or a chapter. Describe, explain, detail and connect your ideas for your reader. Show your reader these ideas in action through textual example.

*How does Hersey arrange his chapters to create the narrative drive. Choose one chapter. Think about how that particular chapter functions in the book as a whole. How does it build on what came before it? how does it anticipate what comes after? Does it build connections between characters? Does it contribute to the reader’s understanding of characters? What is revealed? What is withheld?

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Prompt: Anatomy of a scene. Choose a place/scene/situation in the book that particularly strikes you. Deconstruct it. How does Hersey create it? Look at language and syntax, imagery, metaphor, simile, arrangement, punctuation. What makes this piece work?

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