World Regional Geography




Course Project: Global Travel Film—

Section 1: Europe and Russia

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For your Course Project, imagine that you are developing a global travel film. In this scenario, you are a researcher on the script writing team, traveling with the location scouts. You have 6 weeks to travel the world and scout locations for the film. You will start your scouting in Europe and Russia.

This week you will complete the first of five sections for your Course Project. Section 1 will cover two realms: Europe and Russia.

Each section of your Course Project will have a special theme. The theme for Section 1 is multiculturalism, political unification, and/or devolution.

To prepare:

  • Read Chapters 4 and 5 on Europe and Russia from your course text.
  • Consider the major challenges that exist in each of these realms. Some will be common to all realms, such as key resources and their development, human and physical geography, and environmental issues. Others will be more prominent in some realms than others. In Europe and Russia, multiculturalism, political unification, and devolution are key challenges.

Your recommendations to the script writing team need to include the following:

  • Locations to film and highlight that illustrate the special theme for the week:
    • Europe and Russia: Multiculturalism, political unification, and/or devolution
  • For each realm, pick at least one specific location that illustrates the special theme for this section of your project. Write up your recommendations for the script writing team, giving specific reasons why each location is interesting, compelling, or important. Be sure to relate each location to the special theme for the week.
  • For each realm, include a map that clearly identifies each of your locations. You may want to use color coding or a legend. Google Maps has several helpful editing tools that you can use to create your maps and identify your locations.
  • For each realm, include at least two representative screen shots from Google Street View that relate to each of your chosen locations. If Street View images aren’t available, find some other visual images. For quick tips on how to create screen shots, see the document Creating Screen Shots in the Week 1 Resources area.

Your completed Assignment should be 2–3 written pages and include a map and 2 or more images (not included in page estimate).

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