i need help to wriyte a eflection on how my experience has so far writing about the gun control paper

In this unit, we discussed the creation of body paragraphs for your research paper. You should have a good idea of what your revised thesis statement will look like, the points that you want to include, and the evidence you will use to support those points.

Let’s take just a moment and think about the process so far. Feel free to use this writing as a reflection upon what you have experienced so far in the course. You might want to consider some of the questions below, but you are not required to answer them. Remember, as always, that this discussion should be a positive and constructive experience for you. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.

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What do you think is your strongest point? What do you think is your weakest? Do you think the scope of your project is narrowed down efficiently? How are you feeling about the process? What do you think about the structure of the body paragraphs? Does the structure seem too restrictive or helpful and guiding? Looking back on some of the materials that you have read, can you see the structures that we have discussed in the course so far? Do you see differences between academic and public sources in terms of how the paragraphs are constructed?

Your response should be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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