summarize and present information in a meaningful way 6


Deliverable Length: PowerPoint Presentation: 5 – 8 slides with speaker notes.

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For this assignment, you will need to become familiar with specialized business intelligence (BI) software, then download the software. Complete the following steps to begin:

  • Step 1: Watch an instructional video on the BI software.
  • Step 2: Review various BI Software options including Tableau; Excel or other Business Intelligence. Search the CTU Library and the internet to learn about optional software.
  • Step 3: If you choose Tableau, download the Tableau BI software. After you select the link, look for the orange icon in the middle portion of your screen to begin the download or use any Business Intelligence software to create at least 2 graphs illustrating at least 2 comparisons between the US and zip code data.

Consider the following scenario, continued from the Unit 1 Individual Project:

Big D Incorporated needs to prepare an assessment regarding the feasibility of making a recommendation for expansion into another market. As the Business Analyst, your assignment is to prepare a short presentation for the Board of Directors that apply concepts learned in Unit 1 and concepts from Unit 2 to make the necessary recommendations and justifications for those recommendations. You will need to compare and contrast the varying markets in order to make the best recommendation possible. Complete the following:

  • Click here to download the reports for the United States. The Web site provides free demographical services where one can choose from a variety of criteria and generate reports based on the U.S. Census data. This particular file contains 4 reports: General Summary, Census Trend 1980 to 2000 Summary, Occupation and Employment Summary, and Income Summary based on the entire United States.
  • Click here to download the reports for zip code 60614. This particular file contains 4 reports: General Summary, Census Trend 1980 to 2000 Summary, Occupation and Employment Summary, and Income Summary based on the U.S. zip code 60614.
  • Using all 4 demographic reports (General Summary, Census Trend 1980 to 2000 Summary, Occupation and Employment Summary, and Income Summary) for the United States and zip code 60614, prepare a 1-page memo explaining how your territory differs from the national profile. Feel free to note anything that you found surprising in this data.
  • Use the business intelligence software you choose to depict information from these reports.
  • Prepare a presentation of 5–6 slides of your major findings. You may group a category of data from the Total United States and zip code 60614, and create a graph to show how they differ. The presentation should have at least two graphs and a headline that summarizes a key takeaway from the graph. The last page should contain at least 3 questions that you would want answered based on what you’ve seen in this comparison.

Your presentation should include 5–6 slides in PowerPoint, plus title and reference slides with speaker notes (200–250 words per slide).

For assistance with the usage of Tableau for analysis and reporting, review and use the following instructions. This should be helpful if you are having problems with the software usage or with problems with the data. But, you do not need to use Tableau. For BI software usage such as Excel, resort to using the Help functions and other resources on the internet and in videos to learn how to use Excel to create graphical presentations including table usage.

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