recruitment and selection plan

Having a written plan for the recruitment and selection of employees is imperative in any organization, especially health care, due to the many issues that could arise (e.g., legal, union, not meeting government regulations). For this assignment, you have been tasked to create a recruitment and selection plan for an urgent-care clinic. Write a paper of 3-4 pages that, at a minimum, includes the following:

  • General overview of the recruitment process
  • Recruitment sources
  • How the recruitment of positions will be marketed/communicated
  • How the effectiveness of recruitment will be measured
  • What selection tools will be used to select potential employees
  • Any legal and ethical concerns and regulations that must/should be considered when making hiring decisions.

Your paper should be 3-4 written pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page.

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Note: Use APA style to cite at least 5 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

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