write a short eassy 3

Read slowly through the section in the anthology entitled “Cycle Six: Disasters, Natural and Other” which begins on p. 179 (including the intro to the section by Mona Lisa Saloy).

Choose ONE POEM as a favorite from this section, or a poem that is strange/surprising or intriguing poem to you. Make a claim about that poem, and start to articulate the evidence that you find in the poem to support that claim. For example, I might claim that in her poem “The Earth is a Living Thing”, Lucille Clifton uses a series of metaphors to celebrate qualities that might be compared to a certain idea of Blackness.

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in her poem “Carpenter Bee”, Natasha Tretheway uses the image of a specific insect to explore the human experience of loss.

Come prepared to discuss your claim in small groups and to WRITE about your claim/evidence during our class time together.

Have a great couple of days!

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