writing an essay 33

If you are not pleased with your test score, you can earn up to five (5) extra credit points if you answer the following essay question in at least 500 words. Your paper must have a thesis; something you want a reader to accept based on evidence. Develop sub-points in paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Information obtained from outside sources must be re-written into your own words (NOT COPIED AND PASTED), and the source should be cited (MLA or APA format).

Quality of argument: 2 points
Mastery of historical material: 2 points
Grammar, spelling, punctuation: 1 point

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Pretend you are a member of the Cherokee nation and are faced with the possibility of having to leave your home via the Trail of Tears. You now have a choice. You may choose to comply with the order to leave, on what some of your neighboring villages are calling the “Trail of Tears.” Or, you can choose to resist and face certain death. Write a letter to a friend in which you explain your decision to leave peacefully or to resist. Your letter should reference the specific details of the Indian Removal policies of the U.S. government, presidents, and the Supreme Court. You also should refer to the debates among the Cherokee about this issue. Your letter should have some kind of argument that you support with specific evidence from the textbook, films, and/or class discussions.

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