case study 3 13

Write a two to three page position paper which includes a summary of your research. At a minimum, your paper must include the following:

1. An introduction or overview of the cybersecurity workforce issues which impact State governments. This overview should address the political, economic, socio-cultural (included education), and technological factors which contribute to the perceived lack of qualified cybersecurity workers. This introduction should be suitable for an executive audience.

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2. A separate section which addresses three to five specific reasons why states have difficulty hiring a sufficient number of trained and qualified cybersecurity workers for positions in state agencies and offices.

3. A separate section which addresses three to five specific “non-cybersecurity” reasons why a workforce shortage affecting state governments may currently exist. You may also choose to argue that the workforce shortage arises out of state budget problems rather than training and education or salary.

4. A recommendations section which addresses three to five marketing or hiring actions which state governments could take to attract cybersecurity talent and reduce or alleviate a cybersecurity workforce shortage for trained and qualified cybersecurity personnel. These recommendations should include several alternative practices which deemphasize salary.

5. A separate closing section in which you summarize your research and recommendations.

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