discuss the relationship between family and the individual in the texts 1

Respond to the question below fully in writing. Though the responses should be in essay form, this is not intended to be a research paper, but is instead intended to showcase your critical prowess; therefore, avoid secondary sources, gathering your evidence from the literary texts themselves. Be certain that you have a strong central thesis.

It should incorporate all of the texts we have read so far (or in the case of weeks when we had multiple short readings, at least one selection from that week). There is no length requirement, but obviously responses that are too short to be properly developed or excessively long and rambling will not do well.

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Discuss the relationship between family and the individual in texts: : The Odyssey, Gilgamesh, Poetry of Catullus, Lysistrata, The Pillowbook of Sei Shonago, Popol Vuh

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