research method ii 2

Instructions: Imagine you do a study asking only females participants if they are willing to (ironically!) participate in a study. Your experiment has three conditions. In Condition One, you tell potential participants the study will take 5 minutes. In Condition Two, you tell potential participants the study will take 60 minutes. In Condition Three, you do not tell participants how long the study takes (your control group). You then measure their willingness to participate in the study on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all willing) to 9 (very willing). Complete the questions below and then transfer those answers to your Crash Course in Statistics – The One Way ANOVA Quiz #4 in Blackboard (2 points per question). IMPORTANT: The answer options on blackboard may not be in the same order you see them below, so make sure to copy over the CONTENT of the answer and not simply the answer letter (A, B, C, D, or E).

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