narrative analysis chart for biblical text interpretation for gensis ch 16

Begin with trying to learn about the historical information related to the text (check the introduction and footnotes of the biblical book):historical time frame/setting of the story (date/century), when commentators think it may have been written down, if they know, any key events going on at the time of the setting or the time of the writing? After reading the story, as best you can determine the ‘limits’ (beginning & end) of the story and the length of the scenes or segments within a story by listing chapter & verse #s under Scenes. For each scene ask not only who are the characters and list them, but how the narrator characterizes each character, and list adjectives describing the character. This emerges when you examine what a character says and does. What does a character’s speech tell you about the character (possible thoughts, feelings, motives). What do their actions tell you about them? Include God as a character. Track what you discern about each character across the segments of the narrative. Do individual characters develop? How so? What points can be made about how the narrator views cultural customs (this may relate to gender roles)? How the characters act about these? What repetitions appear, especially of specific words, but also repeated actions or themes? What do these repeating items suggest about a character, about meanings emphasized? What ‘intertextual’ connections do you discern with other biblical stories or texts? (e.g., Adam & Eve go against God’s plan, but in the next story, so does their son, Cain) What additional meanings do these intertextualities suggest? E.g., are there parallels in God’s speech or actions from story to story? Where do you locate irony across the narrative? How does irony serve characterization and meaning? Are there any theological insights or views conveyed in each scene? (theology generalizes about who God is, what humans are, and what the world/creation is) Just fill in the document below

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