recruiting for todays workforce

APA Style

Part one: Recruiting for Today’s Workforce (750 words)

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Recently, human resources (HR) recruiters have utilized their company Web site job board, online job boards, social media, and other industry-specific job boards or Web sites to fill all types of positions. As an HR recruiter, you are in need of new employees for a forecasted expansion to a call center that is opening up in 2 months and that is just 20 miles away. Think creatively and find some new, unique, and innovative ways to find candidates. Research and address the following:

  • Discuss 2 new technology options that the company could use to find candidates.
  • Would you use these new options to also locate new managers for the new location? Why or why not?
  • Have you found statistical evidence of the new options for finding qualified candidates?
  • Do you feel like these new options are trends? Why or why not?

Part two: Interview Strategies and Process (7 slides plus title and reference slides

Selecting the right person for an open position requires an analysis of all of the aspects of an applicant, including his or her past experience (knowledge, skills, and education), his or her application and resume, and the interview responses.

As a human resources recruiter, discuss with the hiring managers the importance of selecting the best candidates in your industry for the positions listed below. Be sure to consider matching the needs and culture of the organization. You may use the Career Services interviewing section to assist you with your project. Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 7 slides (with 200-250 words of speaker notes per slide) plus title and reference slides that addresses the following:

  • Discuss the process for developing interview questions for an hourly position (e.g., a receptionist, data entry operator, customer service representative, etc.) and a specialist position (e.g., a technician, chef, nurse, foreman, accountant, engineer, librarian, etc.), and be sure to include the steps for determining appropriate questions.
  • Discuss the 3 types of interviews, and give examples of each type.
  • Develop a total of 4 interview questions (2 questions per position), develop the question responses, and explain what you would be looking for with each answer.
  • Provide a mixture of behavioral and technical questions that you believe are the most important.
  • How does the HR department support the organization’s competitiveness by maintaining a highly skilled and motivated workforce through training and development?
  • Discuss the tactics that companies can use to ensure that they retain highly qualified employees through no-cost and low-cost compensation, training, and development.
  • From your prior knowledge, experiences, and learning, discuss at least 2 strategic changes that you would recommend to your current company or industry to improve its training and development to retain its best employees.
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