Thailands Cave Rescue Discussion

Please watch the video about Thailand’s cave rescue here :

  1. Discuss what the traits of mission-driven teams like the rescue crew are.
  2. One ex-navy diver, Saman Gunan, died on one of the oxygen supply missions, what impacts may expose to the team?
  3. Discuss what made those boys and the coach stay as a team and wait patiently for the rescue?

Please respond to any of the questions and inquires listed above, you don’t have to respond to all of them if you have enough to say.

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Read the textbook “Huszczo, Gregory, Tools for Team Leadership: Delivering the X-Factor In Team Excellence, (2010), Davis Black Publishing, ISBN: 978-0891063865″ Chapter 3

Related to the textbook, answering in 300-500 words.

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