summary an article answer some questions

This exercise will help you learn how to break down an academic article. Please follow the directions carefully.

1) Choose TEN Paragraphs, write one sentence to paraphrase for each paragraph of the main idea. 10 sentence total

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2) Below EACH main idea, briefly summarize in your own words the main evidence the writer uses to support the main idea. BE SPECIFIC (1-2 sentences).

3) Below each summary, briefly describe what kind of evidence this is. For example:

Historical description

Explanation/definition of key concept

Quotation/summary from primary source

Argument from a secondary source

Visual evidence

4) Next, describe how EACH paragraph contributes to the essay as a whole. For example:

Introducing, defining, or explaining an important concept

Providing background information (historical, cultural, intellectual context)

Articulating a claim (thesis or supporting idea)

Qualifying a claim (setting or conceding limits to the main idea)

Analyzing or interpreting examples (from primary source or historical record)

Citing an authority (argument from secondary source)

Responding to an authority (counter-argument, rebuttal)

Making a comparison (analysis)

Making a generalization (analysis)

Making an inference (X signals or implies Y–analysis)

Establishing cause/effect (analysis)

Transitioning to a new idea

Explaining the argument’s significance (“the stakes” or “so what?”)

5) Choose the passage that you think best expresses Seiler’s main thesis and summarize it in your own words here.

6) Seiler’s article belongs to the genre of academic essay, which is written by a scholar for an audience of fellow scholars (in this case, American Studies). List at least five rhetorical strategies (or conventions of academic writing) that Seiler uses to establish his credibility/authority as an expert and persuade his audience of fellow experts.

*Hint: Scholars not only care about the quality of a writer’s ideas, but also the quality of the evidence supporting those ideas, and how that evidence is gathered, presented, and treated.

7) Finally, choose up to three passages that would be useful to quote or paraphrase if you were citing this essay in your own writing. Paste these passages here and explain briefly how they could be used to support a point you were making (see the list under #4).

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