strategies health issues

Around the world, health issues impact the quality of life. For communities experiencing poor health conditions, international organizations offer a range of services, from treating common illnesses to addressing disease pandemics. For example, in some regions, malaria is a common health issue that is treated regularly by local ministries of health and with the help of a nongovernmental organization (NGO). A disease such as Avian flu might be treated through special funding from a regional or global intergovernmental organization (IGO) or other entities interested in stopping the spread of the disease. The work of IGOs and NGOs may be greatly impacted depending on factors such as the type of health issue and the region in which it is present.

To prepare for this Application

  • Review the article Adult HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment.” Pay attention to family-focused programs and the multidisciplinary strategies used to address HIV/AIDS.

Article: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (2010). Providing Comprehensive HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment for Children and Adults at Primary Care Centers. Retrieved from

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  • Review the interactive map and select a case scenario related to health issues to use for this assignment.
  • Think of at least one IGO and one NGO that provide services to address the health issue in the case scenario.
  • Consider one strategy that the IGO and NGO might use to address the health issue in the scenario.
  • Think about two factors that impact the health issue.

The assignment: (1–2 pages) MUST INCLUDE

  • Describe the health issue from the case scenario you selected and the region in which it is occurring.
  • Describe one IGO and one NGO that provide services in that region to address the health issue.
  • Explain one strategy the IGO and NGO might use to address the health issue in the region you selected.
  • Explain two factors that impact the health issue in that region.

Cite all resources used!

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