religion essay 5

  • Modern Period and Its Challenges (Iqbal)
  • Ritual and Practice as Ethico-spiritual Formation ( Malcolm x )
  • the attachments are the reading for both Iqbal and Malcolm x

The essay will be composed of three sections:

1) a brief summary of each figure’s writing

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2) comparison of the writings which draws out their similarities and differences

3) what such a comparison might tell us about how these religious traditions have dealt with the particular topic that is the focus of that section. The topic of each section is as follows: a) modern period: how religious traditions confront and negotiate the challenges of modernity; and b) ritual and practice: how rituals as social practices shape the character and worldviews of believers

4-6 double-spaced pages using 12-point Times New Roman font. Feel free to use which ever citation style you’re most comfortable with (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian), but make sure to be correct and consistent in your use of it!

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