reading an article and write a response in 1 2 pages

Please read the following article:

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and write a response in 1-2 pages (minimum of 300 words, maximum of 600 words, not including the exam question) using the 3-2-1 format described below:

3: Find 3 concepts from within the article and relate them to 3 concepts within CHEM 210 we have discussed in class and cite 3 textbook references using the chapter and page number.

2: Find 2 concepts from within the article that you want to know more about (i.e. muddy points, have questions about, did not quite understand).

1: Write an exam question with the answer about 1 concept discussed from within the article. The exam question must be well thought out and appropriate to the subject matter.

I upload the lecture notes to use for Find 3 concepts from within the article and relate them to 3 concepts within CHEM 210 we have discussed in class and cite 3 textbook references using the chapter and page number.

please make it clear and follow the format described.

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