Public Key Infrastructure assignment help

Can you help me with my assignment?  PKI selection options

Unit 6 – IAS5015 – Jan 09 2017 to Mar 17 2017 – Section 01

  • In the Unit 4 assignment you learned about a complex international organization that had some unsecure account management practices. Following the audit, the board and executives made the decision to consider implementing a PKI system that would require all internal communication to be done using some form of encryption keys. You have been hired to inform the board as to the alternatives available and the benefits and challenges of those solutions.Use the study materials and engage in any additional research needed to fill in knowledge gaps. Write a 2–3 page paper that addresses the following:
  • What are the options available to a large global organization to meet their goal of implementing some form of PKI?
  • What are the points of risk or challenge about which the board and executives should be aware in making their decisions?
  • In what way might a PKI implementation improve the risk or add benefit to the technology and security profile of the organization?
  • Length of paper: 2–3 pages, excluding the references page.
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