OCBC BANK Study case paper

Review the opening case study: OCBC Bank in Chapter 1 of the course text. In a three- to four- page paper, address the following:

  1. Describe OCBC’s unique approach to talent management and development.
  2. Compare OCBC’s approach to talent management and development to other organizations you are familiar with (e.g., current or past employers, family business).
  3. To what extent do you agree that OCBC’s approach to talent management and development a primary contributing factor in its success? What can be other contributing factors?
  4. To what extent does OCBC’s approach to talent management and development fit other types of organizations or industries? What can be some limitations if it is applied elsewhere without modification?
  5. Conduct some additional internet research on OCBC. How has OCBC performed recently, and what has it done more of, less of, or differently in the area of human resource management?

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style

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