object oriented data model and sql query definition

Create a data model for an object-oriented database in Microsoft® Visio® using the following resources:

  • The information presented in Appendix A, “User Requirements Specification for DreamHome Case Study” of Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management (6th edition)
  • The distributed database created in the Week One Individual Assignment, “DreamHomeCase Study”

Write a minimum of four queries for building the database structure and map to the data model.

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Note: The results of this assignment will be used in future DreamHome-related Individual Assignments in Weeks Three, Four, and Five.

Compress the following files into a ZIP folder:

  • The Microsoft® Visio® file with the data model for an object-oriented database.
  • Microsoft® Word file containing the SQL queries for building the database structure.

Submit the ZIP file to the Assignment Files tab.

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