Module 2 Problem Set





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This problem set introduces you to an SPSS data set. You will perform some initial data screening activities and report your output.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Review “SPSS Access Instructions” for information on how to access SPSS for this assignment.
  • Download “Module 2 SPSS Data File” and use it for this assignment.
  • Download “Module 2 Problem Set” and use it for this assignment.


Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:

  1. Conduct necessary analyses using SPSS so you can answer the questions listed in the exercise.
  2. Submit your responses to the exercise questions as a Word document.
  3. Submit the SPSS Output files showing the analyses you performed in SPSS to compute the answers for related questions. (Note: You will need to copy the SPSS file to a Word doc for submission.)

Please complete the assignment as required and please use the appropriate references , if applicable, and cite in APA 6th edition format.


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