Management Course: Discussion Topic 9


This week, you will discuss leadership competencies. You will learn how to be an effective leader by effectively communicating and building relationship with the team members. You learn about the elements of transformational leadership and the elements of the path goal theory.  You will further assess organizational structure as it relates to span of control. During this week you will learn how it affects communications and duplication of activities in organizations. 


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PROMPT: Find two newspaper or online ads for management or executive positions. What leadership competencies are mentioned in these ads? If you were on the selection panel, what methods would you use to identify these competencies in job applicants?




Support your answer by utilizing research that you have gathered from at least 2 sources other than your text. Finally, be sure to cite your sources in proper APA formatting.




A detailed and thoughtful response to the topic is required (minimum of 500 words). RUBRIC IS ATTACHED BELOW.




 Additionally, emphasis is placed on your ability to conduct and synthesize scholarly research. 




 Your posts should be professional in content and follow the APA standards. Be sure to city your sources in APA formatting.




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