lesson 03 discussion human behavior

The Lesson 1 WOW Practice Discussion exercise asked you to tell class members one interesting or unique event or circumstance in your life that might cause someone to respond, “Wow!”

Now, review the entries in the WOW Practice Discussion to submit this week’s post.

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By Saturday at 3:00 p.m. (eastern time):

  • In a post between 150 and 200 words, identify one person whom, based on his or her response, is most likely VERY different from yourself. In other words, reflect on the fact that although we tend to make general statements about employees, we each bring different perspectives and experiences to work. Even identical twins are not experiential clones. They start with the same DNA, but begin changing as they exit the womb.
  • What attracted you to that particular person’s answer?
  • What do you think you learned from that person’s description of their unique experience that would benefit an organization in which that person might be employed?
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