leadership 147

Watch Video Becoming Warren Buffett 2017 HBO Documentary Films

User: n/a – Added: 2/11/17

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After viewing the video below on Warren Buffett, please answer the following in a 3-4 page double spaced, Times New Roman 12 paper:

How did Warren Buffett’s background prepare him to be the leader he is today? Would you describe Warren Buffett as an influential leader? Please explain why or why not? What are his major sources of power? Which sources of power are used most frequently? Why?

Papers must follow Publication Manual of the APA 6th ed., 2nd printing guidelines (especially in regards to citing sources to avoid plagiarized work). Students will utilize content from the textbook, and any additional resources, such as scholarly articles, journals, books, assigned videos. (Note: Wikis, blogs, and any other publicly editable or opinion based information is not a scholarly resource).

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