law homework due tommorw

Email has become a staple as a communication tool in all law offices and throughout the legal, business and government community.

Read the instructions below, and then answer the question that follow:


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  • As a paralegal in a law office, write a paralegal that your office is opposing in a legal case that requests response to a Motion of Discovery. Inquire as to the timeline for when this will be completed. Include your law office’s address, a subject line and other appropriate communication (these are hypothetical designations).

Submit an essay containing:

  • A minimum of 1 page, (counting body text only, not title or reference pages) in double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides.
  • You will be assessed on the rationale you use in addressing the question/issue posted, and how well you justify your argument regarding this issue.
  • Your response must be thought provoking, have well developed ideas and/or opinions, and should reference any supporting material from the text, lecture, or other sources you have used to complete the assignment.
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