koll 2 responses need be reflected due tm 5

I have attached the requirements for this part in the other post- it should include everything that she wants: I had made that 25 and you asked for 30 and the 3 page you asked for more so in total I am making this 15 dollars worth so you have your money for everything! 


I WILL SEND THE RESPONSES THROUGH VIA MAIL TOMORROW MORNING BECAUSE NO ONE HAS POSTED YET SO I HAVE NOTHING TO SEND TO YOU. I would like everything tomorrow by five it is now 940 here, please if you could get the essay done that would be great so that tomorrow all you have to do are the responses after i send them to you via mail and then you can send it back to me via mail. 

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Thank you Koll, i appreciate you.


Gina <3

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