in class 5 minute presentation and use powerpoint

    choice one of the topic below

    A) Animale Poaching B) Vegan Diet C)effects of GMO food

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  1. Topic brainstorming a. What do you know more about than anything else?
    b. What are you really good at?
    c. What would you like to tell the world that nobody seems to know or care about? d. What do you think everyone should consider doing that nobody seems to do? e. What is the most powerful lesson you have learned recently?
  2. Sample presentation
  3. Criteria for grading a. Content
    1. Minimum of ten slides
    2. Two-three key ideas per slide, written in your own words
    3. Illustrative, eye-catching image

    b. Design

    1. Readability (font size, design, and color)
    2. Balance of image and text
    3. Simple, clean style

    c. Presentation

    1. Purposeful movement
    2. Eye contact
    3. Not reading from slide
    4. Speaking voice 1. Loudness 2. Variety
      3. Clarity
  4. Miscellaneous advice
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