i o psychology organizational development intervention research report

Assignment 2: Organizational Development Intervention Research Report

Organizational development (OD) interventions are generally described as planned change processes that take into account both technical and human psychology aspects of the organization. Interventions are defined in your readings within four categories: human process interventions, techno-structural interventions, human resource management (HRM) interventions, and strategic change interventions. For this assignment, you will analyze two interventions and offer your recommendations in a 3- to 5-page report.


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In 3 to 5 pages:

  1. Using the Argosy University online library resources, identify a category of organizational development (OD) interventions that is of particular interest to you for research.
  2. Identify and explain two interventions conducted in organizations between 1990 and the present year within your category of interest along with the results. Be sure to find interventions representing different time periods and industries.
  3. Explain both technical and psychological aspects of the two interventions.
  4. Identify the issues, processes, theories, and business outcomes of the interventions.
  5. As an organizational development (OD) practitioner, recommend one improvement that would now be appropriate for the organization to consider in an effort to continuously improve. Justify your recommendations.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document of approximately 3 to 5 pages. You will utilize two to four scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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