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I just need short answers based on the following articles. 1 article each templates

Elements for Analysis

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Review Findings

Why was the study done?

What is the problem as it is presented in the research study article?

Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?

(Make sure that the study is directly relevant to your topic/ and or clinical question.)

What is the study setting?

(Include who, where and when.)

What is the sample size? (Size can and should vary according to the nature of the study.)

What was the process for randomization?

Are instruments of the variables in the study clearly defined and reliable?

What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?

Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?

Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?

(Make sure the variables were consistently applied throughout the study and that they measured what the research said they were going to measure.)

(Report reliability and validity statistics if noted.)

How were the data analyzed?

Were there any unusual events during the study? (If the sample size changed, do the reasons for the change have ramifications on its replicability?)

Did participants drop from the research? Why?

How do the results fit in with previous research in this area? (Compare to your other sources.)

Do the studies build upon previous research?

What are the implications of the research for clinical practice?

Is the study relevant and important to the clinical question?

Are the results applicable to your set or subset of patients or sample, identify the risks and benefits of a treatment recommendation or conform to patient preferences?

What are the findings as reported by the researcher?

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