History HW – Vietnam – assess the policy of containment between the years 1945-1989



Task: Students will research, document, and discuss case studies of the American Policy of containment

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1) What specific methods were used by the United States in order to contain communism?

-Sanctions, Defense buildup, Clandestine CIA operations, Military alliances or support, proxy wars, Economic support

2) Give specific content (names, events, vocabulary, quotes, etc) that indicate evidence of that method of containment

                -Example: Marshall Plan

3) Find Primary source videos, pictures, Political cartoons, Charts and/or other documents that support your content that will be placed in your wiki

1) An informative timeline of our involvement with your country between 45-89 (5 Points).

                2) A segment where you are giving a historical claim/thesis which answers the prompt.

-This should include a complex thesis with specific topic support from your research (5 Points)

                3) At least 2-3 documents (Pics, Political Cartoons, Maps, etc) that support your thesis (5 Points)

-Each document should have a written statement of analysis that explains how it supports historical claim/thesis

                4) One informative video/Podcast (5 Points)

                5) 2-3 Links for additional information (5 Points)

                6) A bibliography** (5 Points)


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