global business 28

Please answer the following question in essay format. Please start by copying and pasting the question at the top of your answer:

There is no word limit. I need you to write enough for me to understand that you have mastered the subject matter. What you consider adequate in this regard is up to your discretion. It is open book and you must create and write your own answer, make citations where you are quoting other’s work. Please write to me in at the same standard as if you were writing to the President or Board of Directors of your company. Please make sure that you have addressed at least 10 separate points for each question asked. Please do not provide me a mere list of points. Your answers need to be substantiated and arguments supported. Please answer in complete sentences.

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Your answers should include, but by no means be limited to, discussion regarding the following: market factors (ie. identify major supporting industries and resources relevant; identify primary relevant imports and exports; identify currency, tax, customs, trade and legal issues; identify past and current market-related events of potential impact to your decision making. Provide analysis of the above in your answers.

Exam 2: What is the best form of entry into international markets: a joint venture with a local foreign partner in their country; a distribution with a local foreign company in their country; an acquisition of a local company already established in the market in their country compatible with your own goods or services; or establishing a branch office of your own company there. Please discuss and justify your decision.

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