find a few articles that talk about immigration policy and the government shutdown use those sources and your own opinion to answer the following

Congress has struggled (and failed) to come together on a bill that would deal with some of the big immigration issues in our nation. Some of the ideas on the table include a road to citizenship for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients, funding for President Trump’s border wall, and a stricter limit on legal immigration. Right now, neither side is willing to give much to come to a compromise.

In all of this, public opinion, social media, traditional media, and political parties are playing a role. There is also the fact that we now have a newly elected Congress who feel a mandate from their constituents.

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  1. Is it difficult to find information that is unbiased when searching the news for immigration issues?
  2. What is the American public opinion about immigration reform in general and on specific proposals? What is your opinion?
  3. Now that the House is controlled by Democrats and the Senate is controlled by Republicans, what is the future of proposed immigration reform policies?
  4. What aspects of the immigration reform ideas that have been proposed in Congress appeal to you? What aspects do think are a bad idea for America?
  5. What questions do you have for classmates?
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