er student success

Part 1

First Impressions

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For this assignment, pretend you are writing a journal or diary entry. Write about your first week at Grantham – things that surprised you, and things that made you feel a bit overwhelmed. Since this is a diary/journal, be sure to explore your feelings along with describing the events that occurred.

Here are some prompts to start your thinking. Address at least five of these prompts in your response:

1.What motivated you to attend college

2.What factors influenced your decision to come to Grantham University

3.What are some of the things about college that you are looking forward to

4.What are some of the motivators that will keep you going if/when you encounter challenges

5.Your developing relationship with your Student Advisor

6.Your first impression of your instructors

7.Your first impression of your fellow students

8.How you expect your life to change while you are a college student

9.How you expect your life to change once you graduate from college

Part 2

Grit and Growth

This week, you viewed two video lectures (the “source material”). The first video was Dr. Angela Duckworth explaining her concept of “grit” and the second video was Dr. Carol Dweck explaining her concept of “growth mindset”.

Your assignment is to:

Summarize the Duckworth “Grit” video

Summarize the Dweck “Growth” video

Write a comparison in your own words of how these concepts relate to each other.

Please write a paragraph for each bullet above and use complete sentences. The total length of this assignment is 750 words (double-spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman). Use Microsoft Word to prepare your assignment. You will attach the Word document to the assignment dropbox (do not type directly into the dropbox).

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