english writing 52


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Warning: Do not make this more complicated than it is. I am telling you EXACTLY what I want!

MOVIE~MOVIE~MOVIE * As with the News Release Write-ups, our documentary series write-ups have 3 parts.

Mid semester we will watch a series of Documentaries… yet to be determined. I will warn you in advance that the movies are provocative, troubling, and timely. They will challenge what you know, what you believe, and what ignore. We will watch them in class so that everyone has equal access to see them. You are EXPECTED to take detailed notes of the assertions made, facts and concepts presented, as well as evidences and arguments made in support of the films’ assertions. Each week, there will be three such opportunities in case you wish to watch them again for taking notes purposes. (and/or bring a guest to watch them). While I will not collect these notes, it will be impossible to do the assignment without them. Viol

Part 1: First, part one must include a summary of the films’ major arguments and supporting proof. Most arguments have a thesis, supported by more generalized main points. It will be your job within this part to identify what the author is trying to say, prove, or show and then summarize how they build a successful argument toward that goal. Second, within this section you will also determine the perspective of the film, the opinion of the film, the purpose of the film, and the audience of the film.

Part 2: First, according to your notes, you will select, and state 3 assertions, facts, or statements made by the film. Second, you will fact check EACH of these 3 assertions, facts, or statements against 3 outside sources of research. Your goal here is to find out if the film’s information is correct, reliable, factual, inflated, understated, etc. If done correctly, you will have 9 sources of research that will be listed then on your works cited page. Finally, you will make a verdict based

on comparing the film’s statement to your findings. This section might look something like this:

Statement: Within the Documentary, Who Killed the Electric Car, the assertion is made that from one gallon of gas there is 12 pounds of CO2 released into the air.

Research fact # 1: According to Science Today, an online magazine, “and I would quote the relevant information that proves, disproves, agrees with, disagrees with” the statement I’m checking.

Research fact # 2: repeat with new source

Research fact #3: repeat with new source

Verdict FOR EACH FACT CHECKED: Based on my findings, the films idea or statement, statistic or evidence, is close/ not close, totally correct/totally wrong, correct but out dated, biased or .. And then I will explain my own logic behind the verdict.

Part 3: Your reaction to what you have heard, read, learned-and explain. This is where you should likely say, way!” or “Oh My Goodness!” The only specific direction for this section is to answer the question: how does this topic relate to being an educated member of society? Is the conversation or argument valid and worth consideration (vs. a waste of time or not really useful or important)? What is the update of the situation? Has this topic been in the news recently? Is it still happening? Is it timely?



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