DQ and responses




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This requires a substantive, referenced written response with a minimum of 250 words per DQ. as well as reading the writings of other students and responding to at least their primary postings. Additionally, you must read the writings of all other students and respond in a substantive way to at least two of their primary postings. Your responses should contribute scholarly to the discussion by challenging a position, providing additional support, or taking the debate in a new but reasonable direction.

All DQ responses to be supported by current research, i.e. journal articles published within the last 10 years.

In your DQ responses, do not use recently published journal articles for support; using articles I provide as additional readings do not count toward this requirement. An additional twenty points will be deducted from your weekly points if sources are not properly cited. These sources should be integrated into your response, not simply placed in a sentence within the response.


DQ #1

Search for the two tests you identified in weeks 2 and 4 as having high reliability and validity. What training is available or necessary to correctly administer, score and interpret these tests? Read McGrath (2003). What insights and concerns did he express? As a practitioner, how can you mitigate the concerns McGrath addressed?

McGrath, R. E. (2003). Enhancing accuracy in observational test scoring: The comprehensive system as a case example. Journal of Personality Assessment81(2), 104-110.

DQ #2

Search to see if the two tests you used for DQ 1 are available for online administration. If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer adaptive testing? Can test administration be effectively taught by virtual means? Compare arguments and findings presented by Callahan (2015), Reynolds and Rupp (2010) plus Coffen (2013).

Callahan, J. L. (2015). Evidence-based technical skills training in pre-practicum psychological assessment. Training and Education in Professional Psychology9(1), 21-27. doi:10.1037/tep0000061


Coffen, R. D. (2013). Teaching standardized test administration using virtual examinees: Rationale, validity, and future directions. Training and Education in Professional Psychology7(4), 309-315. doi:10.1037/a0033347


Reynolds, D. H., & Rupp, D. E. (2010). Advances in technology-facilitated assessment. In J. C. Scott & D. H. Reynolds (Eds.), Handbook of Workplace Assessment (pp. 609-641). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

DQ #3

Read Sackett (2010). What recommendations are offered regarding the future of assessment and testing in the workplace? As a practitioner, what actions can you take to be prepared to work in the industry? What actions can you take to remain current on changes in the industry?

Sackett, P. R. (2010). Final thoughts on the selection and assessment field. In J. C. Scott & D. H. Reynolds (Eds.), Handbook of Workplace Assessment (pp. 757-777). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

DQ #4

With the end of the term upon us, what new insights do you have regarding the use and application of Testing and Measurements in the workplace? How can you use this knowledge to make yourself a better researcher-practitioner?





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