discussion program implementation in health care and community settings

Post the number of the scenario you chose (make sure to include the number of your chosen scenario in the subject line). Explain how you might implement the public health program in the scenario in a health care setting. Then, explain how you might implement the same program in a community setting. Include in your post how the implementation would differ based on each setting. Explain one potential strategy you would use in a health care setting and one potential strategy you would use in a community setting to ensure that the public health program achieves the intended outcomes.

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Scenario 1:

In Namibia, a country in South Africa, health care is provided through the government, mission facilities, and private agencies. The country is sparsely populated, and many people in rural communities have no transportation; as such, they walk to health care facilities. Imagine that you are a health educator who has been asked to address the high incidence of children contracting malaria and other illnesses. You want to educate parents about what symptoms necessitate bringing a child in for care, and what to do in case they cannot bring the child in due to transportation or other issues.

Scenario 2:

Imagine that you are a family health advocate who wants to create a smoking prevention program to decrease the number of smokers in a community. You are asked to target your program primarily to teenagers in order to prevent young people from starting down the path to becoming smokers. Many individuals in the community are employed in tobacco farming and production. The economic reliance on tobacco has made many individuals in the community resistant to messages of abstinence from smoking, although a new study has shown an alarming increase in cancer rates of all types in the community.

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