Discussion 2: Leading Organizational Change




Reflecting on a government or nonprofit organization with which you are most familiar, describe one type

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of change that has or may occur that might affect this public or nonprofit organization, and explain why.

Finally, describe at least two challenges that might arise during the implementation of change and how a leader might address these.

Post your answer by Day 4.


  • Entwhistle, T. (2011). For appropriateness or consequences? Explaining organizational change in English local government. Public Administration, 89(2), 661–680.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Lewis, A. (2012). Finding a model for managing change. Training & Development, 39(5), 6–7.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Packard, T., Patti, R., Daly, D., & Tucker-Tatlow, J. (2012). Organizational change for services integration in public human service organizations: Experiences in seven counties. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration34(4), 471–525.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Tummers, L., Steijn, B., & Bekkers, V. (2012). Explaining the willingness of public professionals to implement public policies, content, context, and personality characteristics. Public Administration90(3), 716–736.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Howell, E. (2013). Columbia disaster: What happened, what NASA learned. Retrieved from http://www.space.com/19436-columbia-disaster.html
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