create and prepare a treatment plan that discusses your clients goals

Sarah is a 17-year-old Christian female seeking counseling for years of sexual abuse at the hands of a family friend. She did not speak about this abuse until she was 16 years old and decided to confide in her best friend. She reports feelings of shame, anxiety, depression, anger, isolation, and vivid memories of the abuse. Working with your client, Sarah, you will need to create and prepare a treatment plan that discusses your client’s goals and projected dates that goals should be obtained. Sarah would like you, her counselor, to also help her identify healthy coping skills that align with her faith, such as forgiveness toward her perpetrator. Once Sarah’s treatment plan is complete, you will then prepare a written part to this assignment that will discuss the types of treatment that will be utilized during Sarah’s counseling sessions. Sarah’s insurance will cover 24 individual counseling sessions so you will need to align your treatment with this allotted period. You will need to support your choices of treatment with outside sources.

The treatment needs to include the following:

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  1. Client’s name
  2. Date of birth (DOB)
  3. Names of support system
  4. Positive coping skills
  5. At least three measurable goals that can be reasonably completed in 6 months
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