commenting on two classmates discussion on cells a work

In response to your classmates’ posts, explain why their choice of the “top” organelle may not be as important for some cell types and why, or discuss why their choice of least important organelle would not work for certain cell types/tissues.

Classmate # 1 April

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After reading this week’s chapter on cells and also researching a little more about them, within the Eukaryotic cell, the nucleus is the most important because it holds the DNA which is responsible for controlling and directing the activities of a cell. The nucleus supplies ribosomes as well which is also important because they are the protein synthesizing machineries of the cell. The ribosomes will then enter the cytosol where they can do one of two things. One they could remain free or two they could attach themselves to the Endoplasmic Reticulum to synthesize proteins. The eukaryotic cell wouldn’t be able to survive without a nucleus but there can be exceptions.

As for a least important organelle, I couldn’t really find anything. I feel like all of the organelles are pretty important and have a specific role in the Eukaryotic cell. I don’t think the cell would be able to go without an organelle, but I could be wrong.

Classmates # 2

After this week’s reading and learning about the Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells I feel the most important organelle is the Nucleus cell. It contains the genetic material, the DNA in which is responsible for operating and directing all of the cell activities. All the RNAs that are essential for the cell are created in the nucleus. The nucleolus within the nucleus is the site for the RNA synthesis as well as DNA replication. The ribosomes which are the protein synthesizing machinery of the cell, are made and assembled by the nucleus in their nucleolus. The ribosomes then enter the cytosol where they either remain free or attach themselves to the Endoplasmic Reticulum and synthesize proteins by changing mRNA. A eukaryotic cell cannot survive without a nucleus and will die immediately.

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