Career Counseling with Diverse and Multicultural Clients




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  • Review Chapter 4. Reflect on the information provided in Sidebar 4.6 and 4.7 on pp. 118-119. Compare the two as you think about the following questions:
    • How does multicultural identity and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives?
    • What specific factors or considerations related to racial/ethnic identity and other aspects of culture and identity seem to influence the individuals’ career development?
    • What insights gained from Chapter 4 would be most critical to keep in mind when counseling clients who belong to minority groups?

The assignment: (2–3 pages)

Analyze the information on pp. 118-119 in Chapter 4.

  • Career counselors are required to be responsive to the needs of diverse clients. Consider how diverse groups and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives.
  • Explain the specific factors or considerations related to diverse groups and other aspects of culture and identity that seem to influence the individuals’ career development.
  • You should also include strategies for advocating for diverse clients career and educational development. Utilizing the NCDA website resources identify specific variables career counselors should consider when exploring employment opportunities and career management in a global economy.
  • Lastly, describe the insights gained from Chapter 4 that would be most critical to keep in mind when counseling clients who belong to diverse groups.
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