business capstone 13

Before starting this activity, review the Week 2 LEARN (e-Activity) and read Chapter 2 in the course text book. Doing this will give you the Why to include in your response to the following:

Research Union Pacific Railroad (you are encouraged to use a myriad of reputable sources, including the company’s website.) Perform an analysis of the social/demographic, technological, economic, environmental/geographic, and political/legal/governmental segments(as discussed in the textbook) to understand the general environment facing Union Pacific. Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these external factors.

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1) Perform an analysis of the social/demographic, technological, economic, environmental/geographic, and political/legal/governmental segments to understand the general environment facing Union Pacific.

2) Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these external factors.

This is a serious discussion, tutor need to deliver a great job for it. No plagiarism at all. I need a 1 1/2 for the discussion with supporting details as well. Thanks

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